by Anthony Pantaleno, PhD and Barbara Edell Fisher, PhD
"Beyond Best Therapy for Parents", "A Teen to Twentysomethings Guide To Seeing A Therapist: What you Really Need to Know", and "Seeking Residential Mental Health Treatment for Teens to Twentysomethings"
Finding Best Therapy takes parents behind the scenes into the process of understanding the business side of mental healthcare, providing a tutorial on the basics of different psychotherapy models, and ultimately guiding the reader through the maze of finding the right outpatient psychotherapy provider for their adolescent or twentysomething adult child.
"Our greatest satisfaction comes from guiding parents in the search to find the best-fit therapist for their teens and twentysomethings."
Anthony Pantaleno, PhD has been named the 2007 NYS School Psychologist of the Year by the New York State Association of School Psychologists (NYASP) and the 2008 and 2016 Psychologist of the Year by the Suffolk County Psychological Association (SCPA).
Meet Dr. PantalenoBarbara Edell Fisher, Ph.D. is a New York State licensed psychologist and a certified school psychologist. She has devoted the past 30 years of her career to providing psychotherapy to adults and adolescents on Long Island.
Meet Dr. Fisher